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Stacey Louiso

Good Friday morning to all of my readership! I hope you're looking forward to the relaxing weekend ahead. If you've stopped by here even once, then you know that I love doing these author interviews with Indie and traditionally published writers. These are one of the things that makes my week worth living through. LOL.

In today's Author Spotlight, we are featuring Stacey Louiso. According to her website, Stacey lives for Christ, and tries to love with a whole heart by constantly studying the heart of Jesus Christ. She aspires to continually be The Potter’s Clay, doing her best to fulfill His will for her life, in ministry and by sharing His redeeming grace to any ears that might hear and eyes that might see. Read her interview below to find out how to find or follow this wonderful lady's works.

AJ: Good morning, Stacey! I'm so happy to be interviewing you today.

SL: Thank you so very much for giving me space to share with your audience. I am greatly blessed!

AJ: Let's get right to the reason we've gotten together. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your background that led you to become a writer?

SL: I believe I was born a writer. I immersed myself in words and books from a very young age and always thrived in English classes. I began penning poetry, seriously, at age 14, then two years later, signed up for Journalism classes and the rest, as they say, is history. I was encouraged greatly in all areas of writing by that Journalism teacher, turned mentor, turned friend. I did not pursue journalism again until a bit later in life but always wrote whether it be poetry or marketing copy and corporate communications for positions held with companies I have worked for, in various industries.

AJ: How many books have you written and in what genre would you classify your works?

SL: I am about to release my second full-length book in June 2018. The first, Walking Through Fiery Trials: A Year of Loss, Learning and Faith (2010), was co-authored with Mary Pat Jones.

I write Christian/Inspirational non-fiction; I have contributed to several other books and am presently working on two additional full-length books on my own.

AJ: What inspired you to write your first book? Can you tell us about it?

SL: Hmmm… where to begin? Honestly, it was a divine assignment from God. In the years prior, I had founded/operated & contributed to, an online publication; the experience really opened me up to any opportunity where I might serve others through writing. In 2009, a friend of mine lost both of her adult sons (and her mother) within a year; she wanted to somehow memorialize that year and honor their lives. I reached out and offered myself up creatively for whatever she felt led to pursue. It turned into a very honest, yet powerfully beautiful recollection of how tightly she clung to God/Jesus during that season.

I was not a Christian at that time in life, but her witness and testimony opened me up to, and brought me back into a relationship with Jesus Christ, immediately. I literally recommitted my life to Christ and began writing the book with her, in the same week. Writing and editing Walking Through Fiery Trials: A Year of Life, Learning and Faith, writing any book, was nothing I’d ever aspired to, but God showed me purpose through it.

AJ: Tell us a little about your writing process. Do you work from an outline, or do you prefer to see where the story leads you?

SL: Being a Christian writer/author, I depend upon the Holy Spirit to guide me. I have the knowledge of “how” to write and put things together, but “what” comes out is up to God. I write solely for His audience.

AJ: Have you had much success in marketing and selling your books? If so, what tips could you give fellow writers who haven't been as blessed?

SL: This is a struggle for every author, I know. I can say I’ve been blessed to have a wide network of people. I have already pre-sold around 50 copies of the new book, and I haven’t even released it to the general public. I anticipate that my knowledge of social media, built -in blog audience and wide network of other bloggers, authors, and friends/acquaintances will spread the word better than I can. I also paid to have a 10,000 hit ad on Google that Xulon Press will create and post/monitor on my behalf. They anticipate great success from this ad.

Book marketing is a wall one must learn to scale long before a book is even completed. Especially for brand new authors because the writing market is so over saturated - they need to equip themselves with knowledge on the market, how to circumnavigate it and know the best places online to network and make a “name” for themselves. Opportunities exist, one just needs to seek them out, not wait for them to find you.

AJ: Do you have any suggestions to help aspiring authors become a better writers? If so, what are they?

SL: Be authentic to who you are. Learn your craft and your writer’s voice. Listen to your writer’s voice – don’t force it. NEVER enter into writing desiring to make money from it because it diminishes your passion and ability to write authentically. Writers aren’t born to be people pleasers, we are born to be trail blazers.

AJ: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

SL: Yes, sharing so much of myself in my work!

AJ: Can you tell us something about yourself that isn't on your website or blog?

SL: Haha! Why would I do that? I’m pretty transparent, so if I haven’t shared something, it doesn’t need to be known. ;)

AJ: What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

SL: Gosh, I am so blessed to not have received much criticism. What criticism I do receive I always see it as a lesson in becoming a stronger writer. I believe I don’t receive it because I understand my audience and they know what to expect from me (truth, love, grace and mercy).

The best compliment came recently after handing a neighbor I felt led to gift a copy of my new book to, without her knowing the topic, and seeing her crumble into God’s awaiting arms by only looking at the cover. That’s powerful! That proved what I was led to title the book and the art work I was led to choose for the cover, were ordained by God, even if just meant for that one person. That is ALL I could ask for. (She did also send me a profuse thank you for giving her the book and let me know how deeply it has impacted her.)

AJ: What is your goal or mission as a writer?

SL: Firstly, to give Glory to God for all he is and all He has done in and through my life. Secondly, to serve others through my writing – ministering to hearts in need of His amazing agape love so they can discover there is healing through HOPE and life more abundant if they open their hearts to it.

AJ: How can readers discover more about you?


If you'd like to find or follow Stacey on any of her social media sites, click on any of the above links or pictures.

If you're an author, either Indie or traditionally published, and would be interested in being interviewed and getting your name out there, feel free to email me here.

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