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Jordan Maxwell

Good morning all my fellow writers! I wish you all a wonderful Friday! And, since it is Friday, we all know what that means. It's time for another interview with another fellow author.

My interview today is with a writer of young adult books, using the pen-name of Jordan T. Maxwell. Read the interview to find out more about him.

AJ: Good morning, Jordan! As always my first question is, can you tell us a little about yourself and your background that led you to become a writer.

JM: My name is Tim Baggs, but I write using the pen name “Jordan T. Maxwell” which is made up of my daughter’s first name, the first letter of my first name and my son’s middle name. I will start my 33rd year in EMS in July 2018. I have been an EMT, paramedic, flight paramedic, supervisor and instructor during my career! (And no, I have no plans on writing about any of my EMS “adventures”.) I have always enjoyed reading & writing. My favorite author is the romance author, Stephen King! (He LOVES to scare people!!!) I have a daughter who will start her junior year at THE Ohio State University the fall of 2018. My son will start his freshman year of college at Missouri State University this fall as well!

AJ: How many books have you written, and in what genre would you classify your works?

JM: I have written two books, “Dandyflowers” & “Dandyflowers – Laura’s Diaries”. They are Young Adult books.

AJ: What was your favorite book to write and why?

JM: My first book was and is my favorite! I wrote it while going through a divorce and it was my way of coping with that turmoil! It’s my favorite because it is my first book and it really gave me a sense of accomplishment!

AJ: Do you have any interesting writing quirks? If so, how does it help your writing?

JM: My writing quirks would be that I talk out loud as I write. I also pace when working out a particular scene. I am sure my cats think I am insane, but as long as I feed them, they are good with it!

AJ: Do you see writing as a career? Or, is this just a hobby?

JM: Right now it is an advanced hobby. I would love to make a living at it, but for now it is what I do to be creative!

AJ: What has been the toughest criticism you’ve received as an author? And the best compliment?

JM: There is no “tough criticism”. When I ask someone to read a draft, I ask them to tell me what they thought good, bad or otherwise. Anything they say, I use to better the story and my writing. As far the best compliment…I have had many compliments, but the best one was when a co-worker read the first draft of “Dandyflowers” and when she brought the three ring binder back to me, she literally threw it at me and said, using just two words, that my parents were not married when I was born! The story really pushed her buttons and it affected her on an emotional level so much she threw the binder at me! High praise indeed!

AJ: Can you tell us about how you market your works? Have you had much success with this approach?

JM: Marketing is such a tough thing for me to do. I have a website. I do interviews such as this one and I go to different events where I can promote my books. In all honesty this approach has had minor success.

My initial “publisher” really left a bad taste in my mouth when it came to marketing. I am so glad that Tate Publishing is now defunct and that the founder & CEO have nine felony charges against them. I was fortunate to have received an internal e-mail that I should have never seen and I was able to get away from them financially unscathed and a bit wiser.

If you are approached by any publisher that requires you, the author, to contribute money for publishing, RUN AWAY QUICKLY!!!

AJ: Do you meet your readers at book signings, conventions, or similar events?

JM: Yes! I am as approachable as I possibly can be! One of my favorite events occurs each April. It is the Young Authors Conference which is held at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, Missouri. It is an event for kids in the second thru sixth grades where authors such as myself take a group of these young authors, critique their writing, talk about writing and generally have a lot of fun! I usually get a group of fifth or sixth graders which are eleven to thirteen year olds and they are so much fun to interact with!!!!

AJ: Where is your favorite place to write?

JM: Usually at home, but I do hang out at the local McDonald’s too. Sometimes McDonald’s is where I go if I have writer’s block. It is amazing how just watching people can spark an idea and get the writing juices flowing again!

AJ: How can readers discover more about you?


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