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Robert Lloyd Russell

A very happy Friday to everyone! I hope you've all had a great work week.

When I started doing these interviews a couple of years ago, I never imagined I would be able to meet so many interesting people, writers, who dedicate their lives to keeping our world well-read.

Another such man is Bob Russell. He is the author of the “Christian Concepts Series” books, and is a popular Bible teacher and seminar leader. Bob’s personal goal is to help others develop a “Living Theology and Dynamic Discipleship.” I was able to interview him a few months ago, and am ecstatic to share his interview with all of you today. Keep reading to find out more about this author.

AJ: Good morning, Bob! Can you start by telling us a little about yourself and your background that led you to become a writer?

RLR: In my career as a professionally certified management consultant, I am acclaimed for reducing complex topics into easy-to-understand ideas, concepts, and actions. I have served over one hundred organizations including manufacturing, service, government, and non-profit, with sizes ranging from very small to Fortune 500 firms.

Previous to my consulting experience, my background included engineering, sales, marketing, and manufacturing. I hold a Master of Business Administration from the University of Portland and a Master of Christian Leadership from Western Seminary. I have served on a number of boards including non-profit organizations.

Why a Writer? Since the beginning of his Bible teaching, I have always provided supplemental handouts to my study group members. Writing grew from that. Today, I have not only authored three books and edited a fourth, I also post the daily inspirational blog “Abundant Life Now” located here.

AJ: How many books have you written, and in what genre would you classify your works?

RLR: I have published three non-fiction books in my “Christian Concepts Series: Timeless Truths—Contemporary Perspectives.” I am also the Editor of the book, “Jim Elliot: A Christian Martyr Speaks to You.” My book website is located here.

AJ: What inspired you to write your first book? Can you tell us about it?

RLR: Inspiration for all my books came out of personal Bible Study.

AJ: Tell us a little about your writing process. Do you work from an outline, or do you prefer to see where the story leads you?

RLR: As a non-fiction Christian writer, I start with a quite detailed outline of book sections (when appropriate) and individual chapter content.

AJ: Do you enjoy reading, as well? If so, whose books do you read for inspiration?

RLR: Throughout my life I have been a prolific reader. First and foremost is the Bible. Secondly, a small group of Christian books from a variety of authors which I tend to reread every 5-10 years.

AJ: Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

RLR: Not currently.

AJ: Who, or what, inspires your writing?

RLR: The obvious answer (but true) is the Spirit of God. My stated writing goal is: “I’d rather write what the Spirit guides and have no readers, than to appeal to more readers without the Spirit’s guidance.”

AJ: What has been the toughest criticism you’ve received as an author? And the best compliment?

RLR: Criticism: I can’t remember any that stand out.

Compliments: I have received many gracious reviews from a wide range of reviewers. For example, consider two from opposite extremes of society.

“First there was Tozer with The Knowledge of the Holy, and then Packer gave us Knowing God, and now Russell has taken us further with God Light. There is a tremendous need for a book on this subject. We have witnessed the publication of many books around the statement ‘God is Love,’ but I cannot recall ever seeing one around the statement ‘God is Light.’ It is important that these two attributes of God be brought into conjunction with each other because it is really impossible to discuss love intelligently without understanding light.” ~ Dr. Earl D. Radmacher, General Editor, Nelson Study Bible/New King James Study Bible

“I loved the book God Light! ... It is very well written and very understandable. Without seeming condescending or talking down to anyone he gets the point across. The Josh McDowell book, Evidence That Demands a Verdict, is good too... as soon as I finish it I plan on reading God Light again. It’s definitely the better of the two.” ~ Bobby Glasgow, prison inmate. Additionally, my three books have received eleven national and international literary awards.

AJ: What social media outlets have you used to reach your readers? And, which ones have you found to be the most successful?

RLR: This is a major weak area for me. I do have a Facebook Page entitled: “Christian Books including the Christian Concepts Series.”

AJ: What do you do to get book reviews?

RLR: Mainly ask friends (and if they know of an appropriate person) and submit to online reviewers.

AJ: How can readers discover more about you?


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