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Lisa Harris

You know what's great about the internet? That, no matter where we live, we can get to know a lot about other people. I mean, even family that lives hours away, can talk to me through email or text message.

The author I am interviewing today, Lisa Harris, lives as a missionary in Africa! Yet, she still finds time to write amazing novels. And, because of the marvels of modern convenience, I was able to interview her. Check out her interview below.

AJ: Thank you for participating in this interview! First of all, can you tell us a little about you and your background that led you to be a writer.

LH: I’ve been writing for just over twenty years, though I’ve always loved telling stories. My mom tells me that I used to dictate stories to her when I was little, so storytelling has always been part of my world. My family and I have spent the past fourteen years living in Africa as missionaries. During this time, I’ve loved the opportunity to write the stories on my heart, and thanks to the internet it doesn’t matter where you live in the world!

AJ: What inspired you to write your first book?

LH: I had always wanted to write a book, but never took the time to actually sit down and write one. When my oldest was born, I was a stay-at-home mom with no car, so decided to take advantage of his nap times. I wrote my first book that year, and have never stopped writing!

AJ: You've recently published a new book continuing the story of Nikki Boyd, whom we first met in your novel Vendetta. Can you tell us a little about her and some of her story?

LH: Vendetta was book one in my Nikki Boyd Files, followed by Missing, and Pursued. One of the best parts of writing a series centered around one character is the chance to be able to delve deeper into more aspects of her life.

One of the things I loved right from the beginning was Nikki’s compelling back story. Her younger sister vanished ten years ago, and because if this Nikki has been searching for Sarah ever since. It was this loss that compelled Nikki to quit her job as a teacher in order to join the police academy, and eventually join a newly formed missing persons task force for the state of Tennessee.

Because of her past, she’s both strong and vulnerable as she works through these missing person cases, while trying to balance life, extended family, and love. She also finds it impossible not to get emotionally involved in her cases. But it’s that very personal scenario with high stakes that gives her the motivation and determination she needs to find her sister’s abductor. It also helps the reader connect and sympathize with her, because it’s not simply a routine case to be cracked or another murder to be solved. For Nikki, it’s personal.

AJ: Does your newest novel, Vanishing Point, conclude her story, or will we hear more about her?

LH: When I finished the Nikki Boyd Series, my publisher came to me and ask me to write a follow up

novel. For those of you who have read this series, you know that Nikki’s sister had been abducted ten years ago by the Angel Abductor. Vanishing Point is a story about what really happened to Sarah as well as what I think will be a very satisfying wrap up to the series.

AJ: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

LH: I love cooking and photography. One of my favorite things to do is go out in the bush on safari and take photos of animals. We have so many great family memories of these trips!!

AJ: Is there anything that you’ve found to be particularly challenging in your writing?

LH: Probably the toughest thing for me is balancing my writing with family and ministry. There is always a lot going on and I have had to learn to be very organized and focused in order to meet all my deadlines. But it’s doable, and I enjoy my work which is a huge blessing!

AJ: What has been the toughest criticism you’ve received as an author? And the best compliment?

LH: The toughest is probably looking through my edits for my stories and seeing the pages filled with red! But I love the editing process because it makes the book stronger and in the end I rely heavily on my editors to make my books the best possible. As for a compliment, I try not to read reviews most of the time, but knowing I’ve impacted someone spiritually plus they’ve loved the book really makes my day!

AJ: How can readers discover more about you? Please list all websites and social media outlets with their links.

LH: I love to connect with my readers!

Thanks so much for letting me visit with you!

If you'd like to find and follow Lisa Harris, click any of the links above, or one of the pictures to be redirected to one of her sites.

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