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Jennifer Kibble

In my house, I have three boys who love to watch action-packed movies like Iron Man and Avengers. And, we've indulged in the Spiderwick Chronicles a few times, relishing in the mystery of magic and imagination. So, imagine my excitement when I realized that my next Indie author interview was with the writer of a series that has the perfect mixture of action and magic.

Jennifer Kibble is an author of the Phoenix Element Series, and I'm sure once you read about them, you'll be just like me and want to snatch a copy for yourselves. Take a look at her interview and find out why.

AJ: Tell us a little about yourself and your background that led you to become a writer.

JK: In the fifth grade, we were told to have a composition book to write in. Once that happened, it was game over for me. I loved writing in that little black and white notebook. I didn't get serious with my writing until 2010. I was one of few to be picked to visit the Kennedy Space Center to witness the final launch of the space shuttle Discovery. I was inspired by being there and told myself to write for myself. Then it took off from there.

AJ: How many books have you written?

JK: I have three books published, which are part of my Phoenix Element series. The fourth one is in the works. It is a fantasy/adventure series that focuses on magic. A little but of Avengers mixed in with Harry Potter.

AJ: What was your favorite book to write and why?

JK: Reality Break (Phoenix Element #3) is my favorite. Everything flowed while I was writing it. Mages of Vane (Phoenix Element #2) is a close second since it is packed with action and a lot of things happen within that book.

AJ: What do you see as the main benefit of being an indie author and what advice

would you give to someone who is just starting out?

JK: No deadline! But that is also a curse. I wonder if I had a deadline, would it take me less time to get a book out to the public? To those just starting out, build your brand early on. Engage your readers by setting up Twitter, and a Facebook page, to name a few.

AJ: How can readers discover more about you?

I have a few places online that I frequent with information about Phoenix Element:

To find out more about Jennifer Kibble's work, or to find and follow her on social media, click any of the links above, or on one of her pictures to be redirected to Amazon.

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