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Ruth O'Neil

Do you remember at what age you wanted to become a writer? I do, and it wasn't that long ago. As a child, I hated reading and writing of any kind. I admit, I had little imagination, then. But, as my imagination grew and I realize that I can splatter my feelings onto paper, and people actually want to read them, it has become like a second nature to me.

My interview-ee (LOL) for today, though, knew she wanted to become a writer at a very early age. Continue reading to find out what Ruth O'Neil had to say in answer to my questions.

AJ: Tell us about and a little about your background that led you to be a writer.

RO: I was 9 years old when I decided I wanted to be a writer. That was when I wrote my first story, and I haven't stopped since. I never struggled with what I wanted to be when I grew up. It's more like it was just understood. I've always loved to read, so maybe that was part of my desire to write.

AJ: How many books have you written? And, in what genre would you classify your works?

RO: I have two novels out. These are stand-alone books, yet are part of the 'What a Difference a Year Makes' series. They aren't connected in any way, so it doesn't matter in what order you read them. I have written a couple of children's picture books as well as several devotional titles.

AJ: Do you have any interesting writing quirks? If so, how does it help your writing?

RO: I don't know if it helps my writing at all, but I'm weird about pens. When I start a new pen, I enjoy watching the ink go down as I write. I can't use another pen until that first pen is all used up.

AJ: What do you like to do when you’re not writing?

RO: I enjoy hiking and camping with my family. I also enjoy quilting and making other crafts. The quilting helps my mind work subconsciously while I'm focusing on sewing. Reading is at the top of my

"favorite things to do" list. I am never without a book handy for those times when I know I'm going to have to wait for some reason or another.

AJ: Who, or what, inspires your writing?

RO: Real life inspires me. I can see/hear three or four different things and all of a sudden, I have a new idea for a story.

AJ: What do you see as the main benefit of being an indie author and what advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?

RO: As an indie author, I am in control. I've heard horror stories from other writers, who have worked with both small and large presses, some very established. Of course all publishers aren't bad, but I don't have to worry about any companies folding. If there are mistakes, I can go back and change them or create sales whenever I wish. Yes, it's a lot of work, but even when publishing with a publishing company, it's still a lot of work.

AJ: How can readers discover more about you?

If you'd like to know more about Ruth's books, or if you'd like to find and follow her, click any of the above links, or the pictures, to visit her sites.

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