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Barbara James

Just in case you totally missed my entire website, my blogs, my Amazon page, or even my Facebook posts, you may not know that I am a huge romance reader and writer. Of course, all of my stuff is completely clean and sweet. Which is why I thoroughly enjoyed this lady's interview. We think a lot alike! Check out what she had to say to find out why.

AJ: Can you tell us your name and a little about your background that led you to be a writer?

BJ: Barbara James, former academic writer and romance novel reader. I became inspired to write once I had free time on my hands to dedicate to fun writing projects.

AJ: In which genre do you write, and what inspired you to write your first book?

BJ: Romance novels of the sweet sub-genre, with no explicit sex scenes. I had been reading about younger people finding it hard to date and marry in today's world, and I knew that wasn't the case for some. I wanted to envision characters that were about building the foundation towards a long term relationship, marriage, and at a young age.

AJ: What do you see as the main benefit of being an indie author and what advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?

BJ: Independence, the ability to have more control over the process, and not be at the mercy of the publishing companies. I'm no expert, in that I'm just starting out myself, but finding community is important, a community of readers and writers.

AJ: If one movie company asked for the rights to your books, which one would it be? And, why?

BJ: Harlequin, for sweet and wholesome stories made into movies.

AJ: What marketing strategies do you find most helpful? Any resources you would recommend to other authors or aspiring authors?

BJ: Goodreads, the readers' social media site, is crucial!

AJ: How can readers discover more about you?

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