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CeeCee James- An Interview

When we, as authors, begin a new novel, short story, or blog post, we start with an idea. Some ideas are things that we've been through; trials, heartaches. Some are just things that we think would make an interesting story line.

This next author has written several books on a topic that she had experienced as a child. CeeCee james is an advocate for adult survivors of child abuse, her Ghost No More series is her true story of surviving and healing from childhood trauma.

Find out what she had to say in answer to my questions...

Me: How often do you write on your book and about how many words a day do you try to write?

CCJ: I’m a reluctant writer, although I love the finished product. I have to have a goal each day in order to keep writing. Usually, I’ll write 1000 words.

Me: What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?

CCJ: Oh toughest criticism. Well, I’ve had a few. And they hurt, but each one has shaped me into a better writer, even if it was learning to let go and be accepting of other peoples opinions. I’ve had many awesome compliments too. Some of my favorites are when people write how my books helped them in some way.

Me: How do you reach your readers? (Social media, giveaways, etc.) And, which has been the most successful?

CCJ: Facebook has been awesome in giving me a chance to interact with both readers and other authors. That’s probably been what helps me the most.

Me: Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it and how does it help your writing?

CCJ: I have to have a container of white tic-tacs on hands. I have no idea why. LOL

Me: Does your inspiration for your books come from real life people and places? Or are they purely fictional?

CCJ: All of my books have one foot in reality and memories. My memoirs are non-fiction and true.

Me: Have you found it hard to find the time to write? If so, when do you schedule it?

CCJ: It’s easy to find a little bit of time to write. It’s hard to use that little bit of time to write. Like I said earlier, I have to be disciplined and just sit down and start writing. Beginning is the hardest part.


Me: How can readers discover more about you and you work?

I love getting questions and answer all my messages.

According to her author page, CeeCee's fictional series, Wrecked and Yours, is about a pair of siblings and how they navigate life. It's romantic, uncertain and messy, like life often is. I don't know about you, but I plan on downloading these as soon as possible. -AJ

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