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Krysten Hager- An Interview

This Indie author has me wishing I had been able to read her books when I was going through middle school and high school.

Krysten Lindsay Hager is a young adult author who writes about friendship, self-esteem, fitting in, frenemies, crushes, celebs, and values.Her work has been featured in USA Today, The Flint Journal, the Grand Haven Tribune, the Bellbrook Times, and on Living Dayton.

Read below to find out what this talented lady had to say.

Me: In which genre do you specialize?

KH: Right now I have published young adult and middle grade fiction. I like writing coming of age novels because that’s my favorite thing to read. I have two series right now: the Landry’s True Colors Series and the first book in the Star Series called, Next Door to a Star.

Me: Was there something specific that drew you to your particular genre?

KH: I loved to read growing up and the years from fourth grade through my early teen years were the years that I was completely addicted to books. I still have many of the books I loved from then and the ones that got lost or thrown out, (seriously, Mom? Why???) were replaced by scouting used bookstores and library sales. Let’s just say I had a bad experience ordering used books online and that’s why I like to see them in person to make sure they aren’t disgusting—haha!

Me: Do you write in only one genre or do you branch out?

KH: The books I have published are middle grade and young adult, but I also write new adult and women’s fiction.

Me: Can you tell us how you came to find your publisher?

KH: I did a lot of research looking things up in libraries, in periodicals, online, and at conferences. The library is your best friend when it comes to looking for information in publishing. There is so much more there than you can find online.

Me: Do you write full-time or do you have a day job?

KH: I was a journalist and did freelance writing for magazines, but now my days seem to be taken up with the business admin side of fiction writing.

Me: Can you tell us some tips on finding our own?

KH: Research as much as you can. All those guides they have out are invaluable and the biggest tip I could give is don’t just follow someone you know to a publisher because just because it’s right for them, it may not be a good fit for your work. I’ve heard about so many people who learned that the hard way. Writing guides to publishers are great resources. I personally went to the library a lot to research.

Me: How can readers discover more about you and your work?

KH: You can see what I’m up to on my website:

And check out my other sites here:


Amazon author page:


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