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An Interview with Kathryn Springer

You can't be addicted to clean, Christian romance novels, like I am, and NOT adore the books written by this next author.

Kathryn Springer is the winner of the 2009 ACFW Carol Award for her novel Family Treasures. She also writes for Harlequin's Love Inspired to encourage women in their faith journey. According to her website, this is the reason Kathryn loves to write inspirational fiction.

I was so blessed to be able to interview this amazing author. Here's what Mrs. Springer had to say.

Me: How has your life changed since you’ve become a published author?

KS: I’ve become more disciplined! Before I was published, writing was the first thing to go whenever life got busy so I had to learn how to say no to things—sometimes good things—in order to meet my deadlines. It wasn’t always easy but I made realistic goals, set aside a certain amount of time each day to write and then did my best to stick to it. Fortunately, my family and friends have always been extremely supportive and encouraging so that made it easier!

Me: What or who inspires you to write?

KS: My relationship with God not only inspires me to write, it’s the reason I write. Jesus told stories, too! I look at writing as a ministry but that doesn’t mean I hide a sermon in the pages or set out to “teach” readers a lesson. Faith is an organic part of the story, as unique to each character as our journey of faith is unique.

Me: What is the biggest thing that people THINK they know about your genre, that isn’t so?

KS: I love this question! Early in my writing career when people would ask what I write, I almost hated to say inspirational romance. Let’s be honest here! There are a lot of misconceptions about the genre, but that just tells me they haven’t read it! I think another common misconception is that the genre lacks depth or substance. That it’s the “light” version of fiction. The authors I know who write romance, and write it well, tackle some pretty heavy topics in their novels. But there’s also grace and laughter and hope and an ending that makes you sigh. I don’t know about you, but I think this world needs a few more of those!

Me: What was the hardest part of writing this book, and what did you enjoy the most?

KS: Don’t laugh, but in all my books the hero and heroine’s first kiss is always the hardest scene to write. It has to come at exactly the right moment in the story, it has to take place in just the right setting and it has to be absolutely heart-meltingly perfect. That’s a lot of pressure! The part I enjoyed the most was going back to Banister Falls and spending time with characters I fell in love with in The Dandelion Field.

Me: Are there certain characters you would like to go back to, or is there a theme you’d love to work with?

KS: Yes! A police officer named Ryan Tate turned up again in The Hearts We Mend and I would love to tell his story, too. I’ve been married to a police officer for 27 years so I have a great resource!

Me: Do you have any suggestions to help aspiring authors become better writers? If so, what are they?

KS: I always encourage aspiring authors to join ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). It’s an amazing organization and I don’t get a discount on my membership for saying so, either! They are a great resource, host contests, and the annual conference has tracks designed for writers no matter where they are on the journey. If you can’t attend a conference, there are some great books on the craft of writing available, as well. I encourage people to read everything by Susan May Warren and James Scott Bell that they can get their hands on. And then get to it. It might sound simple but the only book that has a chance of being published is the one you actually sit down and write!

What true words of wisdom! Head on over to Kathryn Springer's website to learn more about this wonderfully talented author. -AJ

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