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The Writer's Block, Las Vegas, Nevada

Fridays usually signal the beginning of a fun weekend for most of us. However, for me, it means I have a new post to share with all of you. That's fun for me! When I started doing these Friday posts about Indie bookstores, I only had my readers and fellow Indie authors in mind. We need all the marketing we can get! So, just for you, here's another one.

The Writer's Block is an Indie bookstore located in Las Vegas. According to their website, The Writer’s Block hosts a monthly Local Author Showcase for self-published and indie authors. The Showcase provides an opportunity for authors to sell their book to their friends, family and co-workers, to customers of The Writer’s Block, and to other authors—and is an excellent networking opportunity. Doesn't that sound like fun! If you live in the Las Vegas area, you're gonna want to read the interview that one of their amazing staff members agreed to have with me.

Me: What kind of authors can submit books to your store?

TWB: If an author is traditionally published, we don't usually accept submissions from the author directly. Instead, we'll meet with publisher sales reps or encounter the book via catalogs or through the press, and decide to order it own our own. Self-published and indie authors can submit their books via our consignment system. Consignment lasts for only one month, is organized by theme, and concludes in a Local Author Showcase. We place very few restrictions on consignment titles. As long as it doesn't contain objectionable content (i.e. bigoted or hurtful language), we accept most genres. Our store normally carries literary fiction, current affairs, poetry, and children's books—so we find that self-published material within those subject areas tends to sell better. More information on consignment is available at

Me: Can publishers submit works as well?

TWB: We don't usually accept solicitations from publishers—unless we already have an ongoing relationship with them. Me: Is this based on consignment? If so, how much of the profit does the author keep?

TWB: Self-published and indie books are sold on consignment. The author keeps 80% of the profit. Me: Who sets the price for the books? THE WRITER’S BLOCK or the author/publisher?

TWB: In all cases—whether the book is traditionally published or self-published—the publisher and/or author sets the price. Me: How does the author/publisher get paid?

TWB: We pay consignment authors by check within one week of the conclusion of their consignment period.

Me: Does THE WRITER’S BLOCK offer an e-read version as well, or simply printed copies?

TWB: We only offer authors the opportunity to sell print books. However, self-published authors are welcome to advertise their ebooks during our Local Author Showcase. Me: Will author/publisher be sharing shelf space with other authors, or will they be featured on their own space?

TWB: We mix traditionally published books together, usually by theme or genre. Self-published and indie books are given one shelf in the front of the store that they all share. Since our consignment cycle lasts for only one month and is organized by theme, there is usually a thematic unity between all the consignment titles at any given time. Me: Will THE WRITER’S BLOCK order my books through my distributor?

TWB: We won't order self-published books through distributors like Ingram or Baker & Taylor. They must come directly from the author. For traditionally published books, we'll consider books that are brought to our attention by their author, but cannot guarantee that we'll ultimately choose to order them. In situations where a traditionally published book isn't something we choose to carry at our store, authors are still welcome to submit their book for consignment. Me: How many books can the author/publisher have in your inventory?

TWB: Consignment authors can leave no more than 10 copies of their book in our inventory during the month that their book is available. They can bring additional copies, and additional books, on the night of their Local Author Showcase. Me: Can an author do a reading/signing in the store?

TWB: We don't offer readings for self-published authors. However, all self-published authors participating in our consignment system are strongly encouraged to attend our Local Author Showcase. The Showcase is a casual, open-house style event where authors set up tables and sell/sign books for attendees. Me: Where is THE WRITER’S BLOCK located and does it attract many customers?

TWB: The Writer's Block is located in downtown Las Vegas, and is the only independent seller of new books in Southern Nevada. We attract our customers through social media, word of mouth, and limited advertising.

If you are reading this and you live in the Las Vegas area, click on their logo above and visit their website today! -AJ

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