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Eighth Day Books, Wichita, Kansas

Still keeping my promise to make my readers and fellow Indie authors aware of Indie bookstores, I have another one to tell you about.

Eight Day Books, according to their website, is not your every day Indie bookstore. The site claims that they 'eschew the trendy, and do not carry books solely based on their saleability. Instead, we're selective, offering an eccentric community of books based on this organizing principle: if a book—be it literary, scientific, historical, or theological—sheds light on ultimate questions in an excellent way, then it's a worthy candidate for inclusion in our catalog'.

Below are the answers to the questions that I asked about their policies.

Me: What kind of authors can submit books to your store?

EDB: Authors who write well. We focus on classics in religion, literature, history, philosophy, and the arts.

Me: Can publishers submit works as well?

EDB: Yes.

Me: What kinds of books do you sell? For example, should an author of erotic romance even apply?

EDB: See above. And no, an author of erotic romance or new age spirituality need not apply.

Me: Is this based on consignment? If so, how much of the profit does the author keep?

EDB: Yes, especially for self-published authors. Our terms are the standard: 60% for the author/publisher, 40% for the bookseller

Me: Who sets the price for the books? EIGHTH DAY BOOKS or the author/publisher?

EDB: Usually, the publisher.

Me: How does the author/publisher get paid?

EDB: To be arranged on a case by case basis.

Me: Does EIGHTH DAY BOOKS offer an e-read version as well, or simply printed copies?

EDB: No. (I believe they only sell printed copies. AJ)

Me: Will author/publisher be sharing shelf space with other authors, or will they be featured on their own space?

EDB: Our space is very constrained, so the author will generally have to share space with other books.

Me: Can the author/publisher have more than one space in the store?

EDB: Possibly.

Me: Will EIGHTH DAY BOOKS order my books through my distributor?

EDB: We prefer ordering from distributors. Much simpler.

Me: How many books can the author/publisher have in your inventory?

EDB: Case by case basis.

Me: Can an author do a reading/signing in the store?

EDB: We do readings/signings very rarely.

Me: Where is EIGHTH DAY BOOKS located and does it attract many customers?

EDB: Eighth Day Books is located at 2838 E. Douglas in Wichita, KS. It is a much-traveled commercial area in the heart of Wichita. We have a very dedicated clientele, but our customer count might be low compared to the standard generalist bookstore. You might go to and get a better idea of who we are and what we do. Our entire inventory is available on our site and on other online sites such as ABE and Amazon.

Me: Is there a fee for placing books in EIGHTH DAY BOOKS? If so, how much?

EDB: No.

The answers were short and sweet, but you get the general idea. LOL. So, if you live in the Wichita area, click on their logo above and visit their website. -AJ

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