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An Interview with Sherri Shackelford

If there's two things I love to read about, it's romance and cowboys! This sweet lady gives us the best of both worlds. Sherri Shackelford is an award-winning author of inspirational, Christian romance novels for Harlequin/HarperCollins Publishers. Her specific genre is Historical romance and her books simply make me want to go back to the good old days where cowboys were true gentlemen and ladies were ladies.

I was humbled and honored to be able to interview this amazing woman. Read the article below to find out what this talented author had to say to my questions.

Me: Of all the books you've written, which was your favorite and why?

SS: I enjoyed writing The Cattleman Meets His Match. The plot follows a bunch of orphan girls who lead a cattle drive. I had a great time matching my manly hero, the youngest of seven boys, with all those girls! He was completely clueless, but he gradually learned his way.

Me: Do you work from an outline or plot or do you prefer just see where an idea takes you?

SS: As a published author, I have to work from a synopsis. I give my editor three chapters and an outline. The outline is usually 5-7 pages, although many writers may have lengthier or shorter synopsis – it’s what works for you. The key is conflict! I struggle, struggle, struggle with this. As long as you have good conflict between your characters (internal), the story will write itself.

Me: Do you have any tips on how to get through the dreaded writer’s block?

SS: Read. If I’m stuck on something, I read. Sometimes I’ll go back to an old favorite author, and sometimes I’ll pick up something in an entirely different genre – but reading really helps. I have to ‘refill’ by words.

Me: Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

SS: I don’t read as much as I used to – there are just not enough hours in the day – but I still make time. Reading is incredibly important. I have to admit I still reread Julie Garwood and Amanda Quick. The authors who first helped me fall in love with romance.

Me: How can readers discover more about you and you work?

SS: Visit my webpage! I keep everything current at I also have a ‘news’ page – which is sort of a blog.

Me: Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it and how does it help your writing?

SS: I play a few rounds of computer solitaire before I start writing. It’s my way of ‘clearing my head’ before I get started.

A wife and mother of three, Sherri’s hobbies include collecting mismatched socks, discovering new ways to avoid cleaning, and standing in the middle of the room while thinking, “Why did I just come in here?” A reformed pessimist and recent hopeful romantic, Sherri has a passion for writing. She doesn't live on the prairie, but she can see the plains from her house. Her books are fun and fast-paced, with plenty of heart and soul.


Special Delivery Baby is due in May 2016 and I'm super excited about its release!

I have learned so much from each of these interviews and it is my hope that my readers have as well.

Click on any of the pics above and visit Sherri's sites today!

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