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BookPeople, Austin, Texas

When I started interviewing independant bookstores, I sent out a massive amount of e-mails so I could bring my readers and fellow Indie authors some choices on where to market their books. I never dreamed I would get such a response from these companies.

The BookPeople in Austin, Texas, were the first ones to repsond to my e-mail, so I will feature them first. Check back every Friday for a new bookstore. Most of them only acept books from the Indie authors in their area, so if you live nearby, check them out.

Me: What kind of authors can submit books to your store?

BP: There is no special kind of author.

(I'm assuming you can be either Indie or not. -AJ)

Me: Can publishers submit works as well?

BP: We buy from 100's of publishers. Of course, all must offer standard terms, free shipping, and rapid replenishment.

Me: What kinds of books do you sell? For example, should an author of erotic romance even apply?

BP: BookPeople is a general bookstore. We sell all sorts of books.

Me: Is this based on consignment? If so, how much of the profit does the author keep? (This question was answered with a link to their Consignment Program. Here is the link...)

Here are a few of the terms:

1) The basic handling fee for consignment books is $25.

2) BookPeople will pay up to 55% for a consignment.

3) BookPeople will initially take 6 copies of the book.

4) BookPeople agrees to display books left here on consignment for 3 months

In addition, they offer some promotional packages that you may want to be aware of. Click on the link to learn more.

Me: Who sets the price for the books? Book People or the author/publisher?

BP: All books we carry come in standard trim with the ISBN, price, etc. already marked.

Me: Does Book People offer an e-read version as well, or simply printed copies?

BP: We sell e-books through our partnership with Kobo so if the book is there we will sell it.

Me: Will author/publisher be sharing shelf space with other authors, or will they be featured on their own space?

BP: The books will be placed in the proper section. Since almost all consignment authors are local they are also placed in our local author section.

Me: Will Book People order my books through my distributor?

BP: If you have regular distribution then we can buy from the distributor.

Me: How many books can the author/publisher have in your inventory?

BP: There is no limit on titles, but we generally take 5 copies to start.

Me: Where is Book People located and does it attract many customers?

BP: 603 N. Lamar Blvd., Austin ,TX. We average about 1500 customers a day.

According to their website, BookPeople has been the leading independent bookstore in Texas since 1970. Located in the heart of downtown, BookPeople has been voted best bookstore in Austin for over 15 years. BookPeople was voted Bookstore of the Year by Publisher’s Weekly in 2005. With visits from some of the most interesting and important authors of the past 43 years, as well as by Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, BookPeople is the destination bookstore in Texas.

If you'd like to know more about BookPeople, and you live in the Austin, Texas area, click their logo above and visit their website. -AJ

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