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Vicky Kaseorg- Interview

As promised I have another Indie author interview to show you. This lady has truly been an inspiration to many. I visited her blog and was amazed at all she's done! According to her Amazon author page, she is the published author of 15 books, all with a core message of faith, hope and redemption. Nearly all have been #1 in their category upon release. God's presence in each book, if not directly mentioned, is certainly felt.

Read the article below to find out what this up and coming Indie author has to say.

Me: What has been the toughest criticism given to you as an author? What has been the best compliment?


VK: The toughest criticism has been that my book was too Christian for a secular audience, but not Christian enough​ for a Christian audience. That was said about my first book, and it was frustrating because my desire was indeed to tell a good story that brought in both crowds.

The best compliment was from a reader of The Bark of the Covenant. She was about to kill herself and said my book and a bottle of pills were on the end table. She picked up my book and started reading. In the book, she saw herself, and found hope. She said my book literally saved her life.​

Me: Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?


VK: I hear from them often. They are overwhelmingly encouraging. They love the hope, humor, and inspirational messages wrapped in compelling stories.​

​The most common statement from readers is that I have a folksy conversational tone, like I am telling them a story over coffee together, and I am their best friend. That pleases me.​

Me: Have you had to struggle through the dreaded writer's block? If so, how do you work through it?


VK: Of course. Everyone struggles with inspiration at times. I have found that when I have nothing to say, I just write anyway. I say anything. I can (and do) always go back and edit later. The mere diligence of writing usually gets me through the times I don't feel like writing.​

​Cleaning the house will sometimes help as well.​

Me: Does your inspiration for your books come from real life people and places? Or are they purely fictional?


VK: Both. Usually there is a kernel of truth from factual experiences, but then the character or place takes on a life of its own. It is magical.​

Me: Would you be interested in finding an agent or traditional publisher someday?


VK: Perhaps. If the right multi-million dollar deal was offered.​

Me: How can readers discover more about you and you work?

​VK: I have a daily inspirational blog ( which lists all my books and links to my Amazon Author page. I have written nearly every day for five years. Those who faithfully read my blog know me quite well.

This is the link to book one of my bestselling horse series. Book 1 is nonfiction. The three sequels are fiction, but based on a real horse.*Version*=1&*entries*=0​

As an Indie author myself, I know how tough it can be to attract the kind of attention that you need to sell your books effectively. Click the link above and visit Vicky's site today!

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