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An Interview with Mia Ross

As you may have guessed by now I am obsessed with making my novels as well-written as possible. What better way to do that than to learn from some well known authors who've had the same struggles as I have.

A few weeks ago, I was allowed the privalege of interviewing Mia Ross. The first book I read of her's was "Loving the Country Boy". It practically sang to me because I'm from the country so I felt like I was walking through my own back yard.

Here is what Mrs. Ross had to say during our interview...

Me: Does your inspiration for your books come from real life people and places? Or are they purely fictional?

MR: Some are inspired by my own experience, while others come out of my very active imagination. The fictional small-town settings are near a real place, and I do research to make sure I have the local details right. I get to make up stuff for a living, and it's a lot of fun.

Me: As an established author, I'm sure you've been able to travel to some beautiful locations. What is your favorite place to visit?

MR: Walt Disney World, the happiest place on earth!

Me: Do you read much and if so who are your favorite authors?

MR: For classics, my favorites are Louisa May Alcott, who inspired me with Little Women, and Laura Ingalls Wilder, whose Little House books I've read many times. As for modern authors, I enjoy a wide range that includes Nora Roberts, Debbie Macomber, John Grisham, and Clive Cussler.

Me: Do you have any advice for other authors on how to market their books?

MR: I honestly believe that the best marketing is a good book. And then another one, and another after that. You can have the greatest website and interactive media pages that attract lots of followers, but if your books aren't top-notch, the rest won't matter.

Me: Do you have an interesting writing quirk? If so, what is it and how does it help your writing?

MR: I couldn't think of one, and neither could my family, so I guess I don't have one.

Me: Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

MR: The hardest thing is to write even when I don't feel like it. I LOVE what I do, and I wouldn't trade jobs with anyone. But there are times when I'd really rather veg on the couch and watch Gilmore Girls. The upside is that when I push through to get my pages done on those days, I feel awesome. And then it's time for ice cream :)

I have to say, I was ecstatic to be able to interview this kind lady. She is beautiful inside and out and it beams through to her work. -AJ

For more information on Mia Ross and her books follow the link below to her website.

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