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Interview with Tracie Peterson

Recently, I was able to ask award-winning, best-selling author, Tracie Peterson, a few questions about her Broadmoor series. She was very gracious to answer my questions and I was so very blessed to have such a unique opportunity. This wonderful lady is the author of over 95 inspirational fiction books and is a role model for those of us writing in that genre.

Below is the interview that transpired:

AJ: Did the Broadmoor series, and the island, originate from a real life place?

TP: The series is set in a real life place - the 1,000 Islands set between upstate New York and Canada in the St. Lawrence Seaway. This was a playground for the rich and famous who loved to come there to summer and get away from the city. It's an amazingly beautiful area and Judith Miller and I were able to go there and research the story setting and the opulent people who frequented these amazing islands during the summer.

AJ: Were the characters purely fictional or were there actually three cousins who shared these adventures?

TP: The characters were completely fictional. I prefer my main characters to be fictional because then I have complete control over their actions and thoughts. From time to time I weave in real life characters, but always do my best to keep an accurate portrayal of their true, recorded personalities and choices.

AJ: I'm sure that you get to travel a lot and have seen many beautiful places. What's been your favorite place to visit and would you, or have you, written about it?

TP: Alaska has always been a tremendous favorite of mine and I have written over twelve books that starred that location.

AJ: I just posted a blog on my website about a character changing into someone absolutely different than the author originally started off with. Have you ever experienced anything like that?

TP: Yes. I've had characters take turns in the story that I didn't expect. I always write from a detailed synopsis, but I keep myself open to change when the character takes off and makes choices I didn't anticipate. It sounds strange, I know, but sometimes the characters really do take over the story.

A giant thank you to Tracie Peterson for the time and effort you spent in answering these questions for all of your readers.

If you'd like to find or follow Tracie, you can start with her website:

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